Attracting Opportunities with Your Mind
If you can answer that question then you
will realize why you are where you are today. If you think about
opportunities, then they will come your way. If you expect solutions
then they will come. If you dwell on how you can make things happen the
way out will finally be revealed to you.
One of the most profound stories
involving my own life was how I said I would become something as a first
year student in secondary school and it happened six years later. There
are other things I have said about myself and they have happened. This
is to let you know that if you want to really attract opportunities then
you can begin by attracting them in your mind. What you keep on your
mind will eventually become your reality.
So you have to use that mind to your
advantage. Stop thinking about the small people around you who have
small minds and also think small. Stop thinking about those who will not
let you make the most of your life. Stop thinking about anything that
does not improve your life. Spend quality time thinking about those
things that have a chance to improve your life.
I can suggest you think more about how
you will become a business owner. Think about how you will be employing
people and helping some others to start their businesses. Think about
how you will become the President of this nation who will make a great
difference in the lives of the citizens. Think on good things and not
just the breaking news thats always breaking your heart.
Some years ago, I was looking for how to
spread what I was writing. I spent a lot of time thinking, planning and
working on it. One day as I was talking to a friend, he just mentioned
blogging to me and he took me to the nearest cyber café to get started.
More than seven years ago we all know that blogging was only known in
the circles of the tech guys. At another time I was planning my first
book to be published. I mentioned a few names that would be involved in
the project but I honestly did not know how to meet them. As soon as I
started talking confidently about my project, I met someone who knew the
person that I needed. He took me to the person and that was how my
dream became a reality.
I am sure it works for so many other
things in life. In the past few days I have been in a training thats
offering solutions to series of questions on my mind. The interesting
thing is that someone just sent me the mail about the training and was
asking if I would be interested. The training turned out to be a free
one from a reputable university and a social media company with global
reputation. Some people would have asked me to pay heavily for this
training but it eventually came to me free.
After a while it also struck me that
each time I keep something in my mind for a while, someone just crosses
my path with the solution. When I dwell on a particular thought, it
becomes a reality. So my present opportunities are realities that that
used to be opportunities in my mind.
Are there any opportunities in your mind
right now? Watch out because they will soon become real. If they are
opportunities you dont want then you get them of your mind. Your mind
has power and it can birth the things that you have been thinking about.
Go on now and start attracting opportunities with your mind.
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